TP17 – Alessandro Bava, Giulia Cenci, Simone Choule, June Crespo

Wednesday June 6th, 2018, 2018 at Marsèlleria, via privata Rezia 2, Milan


Alessandro Bava
Alessandro Bava (b.1988 capricorn) is an artist based in London, UK and Naples, Italy. His work focuses on design, architecture and space. He graduated from the AA School of Architecture with a thesis on sacred space and the origins of the American city with Prof. Pier Vittorio Aureli in 2013. He is the founder of the art collective åyr, researching contemporary domesticity, and the independent ecology magazine and publishing platform ECOCORE. Bava is the recipient of the 2015 Re Rebaudengo Serpentine Grant for emerging talent, and received one of the 2015 Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in Fine Arts Grants to Individuals and in 2016 the MAK Scholarship in Los Angeles


Giulia Cenci
Giulia Cenci (Cortona 1988) lives and work in Amsterdam. She graduated at the Academy of Fine Art in Bologna (BA) and at the St.Joost Academy of den Bosch (MA) and attend the residency program of DeAteliers in Amsterdam. Selected solo and group shows include (solo) ground-ground, SpazioA, Pistoia IT; a través, Carreras Mugica (Hall), Bilbao ES; Deep State, Offspring, deAteliers, curated by Lara Almarcegui and Martijn Hendriks, Amsterdam NL; Mai, Tile projectspace, Milano IT; (group) Hybrids, curated by Chris Driessen & David Jablonowski, Lustwarande, Platform for Contemporary Sculpture, park De Oude Warande, Tilburg NL; Figure di Spago, pratiche di narrazione, curated by Caterina Molteni, Fondazione Baruchello, Rome (IT); That’s it!, curated by Lorenzo Balbi, Mambo, Bologna IT ; Deposito d’Arte Italiana Presente, curated by Ilaria Bonacossa and Vittoria Martini, Artissima 2017, Torino, IT; Bearable Lightness of Being, GRIMM, Amsterdam NL; Concretizing the Uninhabitable, Club Gamec Prize, curated by Domenico De Chirico, Magus, Bergamo IT; Sessile, curated by Josh Minkus, Clifford Gallery, Colgate University, Hamilton, NY USA; Disappointement Island, curated by Galeria Stereo,  Griffin Art Space, Warsaw PL; The Lasting. L’intervallo e la durata, curated by Saretto Cincinelli, National Gallery of Modern Art, Roma IT; Le leggi dell’ospitalità, curated by Antonio Grulli, P420 Gallery, Bologna IT.
In her process of observation Giulia Cenci selects elements that are irrelevant details of industrial objects or parts of our environment, capable of expressing transitory qualities, promises, and failures of materials. Most of her works investigate the possible steps a thing is destined to assume, forming sculptures and installations that present elements of duplicity: belonging to forms and designs known and repeated in our present day along with the evident manual workmanship that scourged them, modeled them, stripped them to the bone or petrified them. Both these characteristics struggle to emerge inside the single sculptures, which become incomplete, imperfect elements soiled from any point of view. These volumes are the consequences of an exasperation of sculptural actions (manual and mechanical) and of the gestures that are a constant in our imaginary: they are technique and technology, repetition, resemblance, nature, and the idea of reproduction… they are made of clay, soil, yet stricken by a liquid synthetic magma that covers and make them similar on the surface, a skin that carries inside it obsolete fillers.


Simone Choule
Simone Choule (b. 1990) is an artist based in Caravaggio (Bg). Her work focuses on the domestic space and the idea of living in contiguity with the development and taking care of one’s own individual and collective identity.


June Crespo
June Crespo (Pamplona 1982) obtained her BFA from the Universidad del País Vasco (Bilbao) and she had recently completed a residency at De Ateliers (Amsterdam). Her solo shows include Ser Dos (CarrerasMugica, Bilbao, 2017); Chance Album Nº1 (etHALL, Barcelona, 2016); Kanala (MARCO, Vigo, 2016); Cosa y tú  (CarrerasMugica, Bilbao, 2015). Her work has also been shown in group or duo shows such as: foreign bodies (P420, Bologna 2018); HYPERCONNECTED (Moscow Museum of Modern Art 2016); fluxesfeverfuturesfiction (Azkuna zentroa, Bilbao 2016); Wild Things (The Green Parrot, Barcelona 2014); Hitting it off (P-exclamation, New York, 2014); Pop Politics (CA2M, Madrid 2012); Antes que todo (CA2M, Madrid, 2010).








Alessandro Bava with Simone Choule








Giulia Cenci with June Crespo