TP18 – BB5000, Renata De Bonis, Daniel de Paula, Italo Zuffi

Wednesday October 3th, 2018, 2018 at Marsèlleria, via privata Rezia 2, Milan


BB5000, is an artist group based in Milan. It consists of Giada Carnevale, Arcangelo Costanzo, Francesco Saverio Costanzo, Filippo De Marchi, Giovanni Riggio. The education of the components comes from different areas of the art studies. The group has been active since 2015, debuting with solo show HyperRruin at Davide. Gallo Gallery in Milan in 2015, its practice is coral and agrees upon the production of unique shows and mainly sculptures. Recent exhibitions include: Campari, Horizont Galeria, Budapest (2018); Smoke Inside, Aldea Gallery, Bergen (2018); I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream, Fondazione Baruchello, Rome (2017) ; Salamandrina, Galerie Tobias Naehring, Leipzig (2017); Body Holes, Berlin Biennale 9th/ Fear of content, Berlin (2016).


Renata De Bonis
Renata De Bonis (b.1984, São Paulo, Brazil) is an artist living and working between São Paulo and Maastricht. She is currently concluding a PhD in Processes and Procedures in Contemporary Art at UNESP, São Paulo. In her work, a need to give attention to the apparently invisible, forgotten, and insignificant, is made evident as a channel for reflection amidst the immediacy of our accelerated lifestyles within the anthropocene. Her maneuvers suggests and constructs a variety of aesthetic strategies and formal solutions that range from sculptural investigations to ephemeral investigative sound-pieces on sublime landscapes and aesthetic-ecologies; from the appropriation of fragments of flora from specific geographies embedded with certain narratives to the usage of repurposed civil construction related materials; from time orientated paintings to cyanotype based prints; all in an attempt to trigger contemplative states of perception to the viewer amidst the hyper-immediacy atmosphere of competitive contemporary human experience.


Daniel de Paula
Daniel de Paula, 1987, is a Brazilian visual artist, researcher, and co-proposer of the independent exhibitions program Um Trabalho Um Texto (São Paulo, BR). The multiple propositions of the artist reflect upon the production of geographical space as the reproduction of dynamics of power, thus revealing critical investigations concerning the political and economic structures that shape both places and relationships. de Paula holds a BFA in Art at FAAP – Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado and is enrolled at the Human Geography masters program at USP – University of São Paulo. The artist has exhibited in venues such as PAC – Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea (Milano, IT), MASP – Museu de Arte Moderna (São Paulo, BR), and MAC – Museu de Arte Contemporânea (São Paulo, BR). He is currently a 2018-19 artist-in-residence at the Jan Van Eyck Academie (Maastricht, NL) and his work is represented by Galeria Jaqueline Martins.


Italo Zuffi
(born in Imola, 1969, lives in Milano) works with performance, sculpture and writing to ‘explore subtle states of vulnerability, and express the prudence of a person in a hostile environment who turns his or her gaze like a window on the world, resorting to inner experience as in a change of state, collapse, or combustion’ (Chiara Chelotti, 1999). He graduated from Accademia di Belle Arti of Bologna in 1993 (Diploma in Painting), and from Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design of London in 1997 (Master of Arts). In 2001 he was awarded the ‘Wheatley Bequest Fellowship in Fine Art (Sculpture)’ at the Institute of Art & Design of Birmingham (GB). He teaches at the Accademia di Belle Arti of L’Aquila (I), and at the University of Art & Design of Bolzano (I). Since 2011 he is Visiting lecturer in performance at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (NL).
Recent solo exhibitions:postura, posa, differita, ar/ge kunst, Bolzano (2016); Potersi dire, MAN Nuoro (2015); Quello che eri, e quello che sei, Nomas Foundation, Rome (2015); Gli ignari, private apartment, Milan (2013); La penultima assenza del corpo, Pietro Rossini Foundation, Briosco (2012); Zuffi, Italo, Pinksummer, Genoa (2010).
Recent group exhibitions:Hospitality, Non-objectif sud, La Barralière, Tulette (2018); Deposito d’arte italiana presente, Artissima, Turin (2017); 16a Quadriennale d’arte, Altri tempi, altri miti, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome; Fuori uso, Ex- Tribunale, Pescara (2016); Riviera, Swiss Institute of Milan (2016); ALT, Caserma De Sonnaz, Turin (2015); Esercizi di Rivoluzione, MAXXI, Rome (2014); Le leggi dell’ospitalità, P420 gallery, Bologna (2014); Per4m, Artissima, Turin (2014); I baffi del bambino, Lucie Fontaine, Milan (2014); To continue. Notes towards a Sculpture Cycle | Scala, Nomas Foundation, Rome (2014); La Pelle – Symphony of Destruction, MAXXX Project Space, Sierre (2014); Le statue calde, Marino Marini Museum, Florence (2014).





Renata De Bonis and Daniel de Paula





Italo Zuffi



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