TP20 – Pietro Agostoni, Franca Ferrari, Viola Leddi, Elena Iside Pandolfo

Wednesday December 5th, 2018, 2018 at Marsèlleria, via privata Rezia 2, Milan


Pietro Agostoni
Pietro Agostoni Pietro Agostoni(b. 1990, Lecco) is Tekken 3 champion, poète maudit, Pusz owner, graphologist, Amon reincarnation, trash collector, snail breeder, drums virtuoso, fire tamer, clairvoyant, DIY philosopher, noise estimator, Haunter records disciple.


Franca Ferrari
Franca Ferrari is a researcher, teacher, choreographer and cultural operator. Born in Milan, she begins her career as a trainer and choreographer in 1979. She studied with Rosalia Chladek – with whom she graduates in Strasbourg in 1982 – and Dominique Dupuy, with whom she has been studying for over ten years between Milan and Paris. In 1981 the C.I.M.D. contemporary dance center opened in Milan. On the proposal of Dupuy himself, from 1993 to 2003, the C.I.M.D becomes the Italian headquarters of the prestigious R.I.D.C. French school directed by Brigitte Hyon, one of the schools recognized by the French Ministry of Culture for the DE (Diplome d’Etat) in contemporary dance. Since 2004 the C.I.M.D. proposes in Italy an independent professional path for contemporary dance. In 1990, Franca Ferrari founded the Company Cadeaux Mainòl, active until 2010. In 2011 she founded Compagnia Progetto D.Arte, working on creating “thematic modules of improvisation based on body research”. She also started up a dance seasonal program for the City of Milan at Garibaldi Social Center (from 1991 to 1993) and for “Giovani artisti in centro” in 1991; in the same year Enrico Intra asks her to bring contemporary dance into the project Musica in Metrò. 2014 she is the artistic director of the festival PIU’ CHE DANZA which debuted in 2014 at Teatro CRT Triennale dell’Arte di Milano directed by Franco Laera. From 2017 the festival is hosted by Sala Fontana Theater in Milan directed by Rossella Lepore. In 2018 she started the project INCUBATORE PER FUTURI COREOGRAFI // INCUBATOR FOR FUTURE CHOREOGRAPHERS. Her public commitment to dance is demonstrated by the attention she has for the cultural policies of her sector. From 2011 to 2014 she has been vice president of AsidDANZA (one of the national Agis associations). She is president of c-DAP Lombardia (Coordination for Dance and Performing Arts) until June 2018 and from 2014 to 2015 she is part of the Bureau of Federdanza (National Agis).


Viola Leddi
Viola Leddi (b. 1993, Milan) uses paint and sculpture to explore how various conceptions of an idealized feminine nature have survived into and been carried by the western artistic tradition, collective imagination and mass culture. The subjects of her paintings are mainly women and girls, taken from different times and contexts. They interact beyond their differences, emulating historical canons and styles, sometimes through a burlesque lens. Her subjects also explore other identities, behaviors and hybridizations with creatures and suspended environments. In 2017 Viola Leddi co-founded Altalena, a nomadic entity dedicated to the promotion of artistic practices and the publication of artist books (https:// She recently exhibited her work in the following group shows: “L’isola Portatile” at ADA Project (Rome), May 2018, and “Gattacornia”, October 2017, organized by Altalena.


Elena Iside Pandolfo
‘Omnia quae sunt, lumina sunt’. I was born in 1980 in Bra. I love plants and people. I was a teenager without the internet. Can you say contemporary consumer? I don’t want to live either in the past or the future. I love to socialize. I restored ancient and middle age art because I was interested in memory. I co-founded la delirante in Turin, which was active for 5 years organizing music events with the focus on experimental sound. Now I’m working as a project manager in a project space in London, I enjoy to focus on the making of memory in the present in a huge city. Life is more than one option.




Viola Leddi







Pietro Agostoni





