TP with Xing – Silvia Fanti, Daniele Gasparinetti, Andrea Magnani, Alvin Spazio, Natalia Trejbalova, Nico Vascellari, Bridget Moser

Wednesday March 1st, 2017 at Marsèlleria, via privata Rezia, 2 – Milan


Special edition promoted by Marsèlleria with the participation of XING: launch of Live Arts Week VI with: Silvia Fanti (Xing), Daniele Gasparinetti (Xing), Andrea Magnani (Siliqoon), Alvin Spazio, Natalia Trejbalova and Nico Vascellari.
Special guest: Bridget Moser.


The night is dedicated to the public launch of Live Arts Week VI, that will take place in Bologna from April 26th to April 29th: a four-days program, diverse for character and rhythm, which will be deployed in different city spaces and will reactivate for an intense performative marathon the spaces of former Galleria d’Arte Moderna, paying an homage to the International Performance Week which, in 1977, took place there. The talk will involve Silvia Fanti, expert of performing arts, Daniele Gasparinetti, art director, Alvin Spazio and Natalia Trejbalova, authors of the image for this edition, Nico Vascellari, artist invited to realize a special project for the spaces of former GAM. Andrea Magnani will participate, as a witness, in the usual formula of Trigger Party. The talk will be followed by A Very Reflexive Acid, a foretaste of Bridget Moser’s performative inspiration; the Canadian artist and performer, who was invited in Italy by XING with the support of the Canadian Embassy in Rome/Focus Canada 2017/150°, conceived this piece for Marsèlleria.


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Nico Vascellari


w_TriggerPartyXing_01.03.17_Natalia Trejbalova, Daniele Gasparinetti e Silvia Fanti_ph. Sara Scanderebechw_TriggerPartyXing_01.03.17_Maria Hassabi_ph. Sara Scanderebech

Daniele Casperinetti and Silvia Fanti (Xing)


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Alvin Spazio and Natalia Trejbalova


w_TriggerPartyXing_01.03.17_Bridget Moser_ph. Sara Scanderebech w_TriggerPartyXing_01.03.17_Bridget Moser 3_ph. Sara Scanderebech w_TriggerPartyXing_01.03.17_Bridget Moser 2_ph. Sara Scanderebech

Bridget Moser


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Andrea Magnani